Transparent Uptime Reports
Our server status page is updated in real-time, providing immediate access to downtime or alerts from one central location.
HahuCloud Server 1 - UK
HahuCloud Server 2 - UK
HahuCloud Server 3 - UK
Check Server StatusWeb hosting is the process of renting space and bandwidth through a company so that your website will be online. It means that you can publish your website so that anybody in the world can visit your website on the Web.
Yes - Absolutely. We would love to host your site regardless of who designed it.
If you pay with telebirr, Amole Wallet or with CBE Birr it will take less than 45 Seconds for your hosting & domain name to be active, but if you made the payment through bank it will take around 3-5 minutes.
We accept payments through telebirr, CBE Birr, Amole, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Dashen Bank, United Bank of Ethiopia and Bank of Abyssinia. Once you make the deposit and confirm your payment, your domain will be registered and your hosting account will be active and running within 5-10 minutes.